Adventist Christian Fellowship
Follow Jesus. Embrace His Mission. Change the World!

What is ACF?
Adventist Christian Fellowship (ACF) is the official Public Campus Ministries of the Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church on non-Adventist college & university campuses.

Our Vision: Reach The Campus, Change The World!
Our Mission:
Build Christian fellowship chapters on non-Adventist campuses that honour God and nurture the spiritual lives of students.
Engage students in the mission of the Church through relational evangelism and Christ-like student fellowships.
Empower local ACF chapters, churches, and sponsors through pastoral support, professional training, and access to resources.

What We Do
This is a ministry led by students, made up of students, and is for students. Our focus is to create a safe and vibrant community on secular campuses across Ontario in order to be witnesses of Jesus and reflections of His infinite love & flawless character!

Bible Studies
Church on Campus
Fall Regional Retreats
Social Interactions
Winter Retreat