Evangelism & Mission

Sharing the Gospel

A hallmark of Seventh-day Adventist theology is our belief in sharing the everlasting gospel and preparing the world for Christ’s return. Despite this mission, evangelism is often seen as a task for a few rather than a calling for all. Our hope is to see this change, placing personal and public evangelism at the heart of our church’s work. Below, you will find resources to help youth ministry leaders equip and inspire young people to share their faith, serve their communities, and lead others to Christ.

Note: These resources have been shared for informational and educational purposes only. The views expressed by these resources do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ontario Conference or Seventh-day Adventist Church.



ADRA Canada

Group Missions

Cruise With A Mission

WeCare Mission Trips

Community Services

Global Youth Day

One Year In Mission

Adventist AIDS Int’l

Center for Youth Evangelism

A Better World Canada

Canada Youth Challenge

Adventist Frontier Missions

Cru Summer Missions

Vivid Faith

Adventist Mission

